Privacy Policy
At the Company, we respect the privacy of visitors to our website and are committed to protecting your personal information. Personal information includes any factual or subjective information about an identifiable individual with the exception of business contact information. We do not indirectly collect any personal information of individuals accessing this website. Except as otherwise provided in this notice, we collect and maintain personal information of visitors only when it is submitted voluntarily, and we use this information only for the purpose of communicating Company information that has been requested.
Through this website, the Company does automatically collect information about Internet service networks used to access our site. This data does not contain any personal information about individual visitors to the site but does include your Internet Protocol Address and domain name used, the type of browser and operating system, the date and time of the visit and the webpages or services accessed. The information collected is used for purposes that include assessing system performance, improving web services and website management as well as tracking the number of visitors to the site.
The Company website contains links to other websites, some of which the Company administers and other which are unrelated to the Company. We provide these links solely for your information and convenience. This privacy statement and information handling practices no longer apply once you have linked to a website that is external to the Company. Each website should be checked for the privacy statement applicable to it. The Company does not control these linked websites and is not responsible for the privacy practices in place on linked websites that the Company does not control.